July 7, 2009

Movin' On Up!

Skills of an Effective Leader
Climbing the corporate ladder takes time, but what gets overlooked are the skill sets that need to change with advancement. You cannot take current skills to a new position and expect to be successful. Here is what it takes to succeed at the next level:

Technical Skills
Frontline Management

Frontline Managers have excellent technical skills. They model how to complete tasks. Others look to them as "experts" in their field. Their main responsibility is to do their job at the highest level. They teach workers how to execute assignments efficiently.

Leadership Skills

Middle Management

Middle Management gets results through others. Instead of being the "expert", their responsibility is to lead teams and individuals. The focus switches to managing, empowering and coaching employees. Middle Managers delegate tasks to others based on their strengths. They observe employee performance, then give constructive feedback. Middle Managers lead workers by modeling integrity and taking initiative.

Strategic Skills
Senior Management

Senior Management are the visionaries of the company. They track past data, analyze current trends and optimize future plans. Senior Managers collaborate with, but assign leading employees to Middle Management. Scheduling meetings become an effective way to gather information and evaluate the direction of the business. Senior managers focus on growing the business.

Tenure and experience is not enough to take you to the next level. Learning the necessary skill sets help you become more effective in your role. Transitioning up means delegating old tasks and acquiring new skills for the betterment of the company. When being promoted, be ready to step up to a new challenge. New positions demand that we continually grow forward!

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