August 25, 2009

Flashy Lights

Last week I was in Vegas with my wife celebrating our anniversary. Once we got settled, I suggested we walk the entire strip. 4 hours and 7 miles later, I realized the hotels are so massive that even though they look close, they are actually quite far apart. A thought ran through my head...

"That's just like BIG GOALS!"

We should all DREAM BIG. Don't sell yourself short by setting goals that can be easily obtained. Where's the FUN in that?

Along the way, there were times I wanted to quit, but my will wouldn't let me. I kept my eyes on the prize. Sure, it took longer than I thought, but we PERSEVERED and eventually reached our destination.

I remember looking at our map at different hotels to get a sense of how much PROGRESS we were making. This helped us realize we were moving forward towards our goal.

After we got back to our hotel, we were tired. Was it smart to walk? No. Was the journey worth it? Yes. How else would we have known how long it was?

This journey is similar to our lives:
1) We all have BIG DREAMS

2) It takes TIME and PERSEVERANCE to accomplish them

3) It helps to chart our PROGRESS along the way

4) The FUN is in the journey

Just so you know we drove to every location after that, because we LEARNED from our mistakes!

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