November 24, 2009

Grow Up!

Growth rarely happens on accident. It's intentional effort that produces results over time. Not glamorous, but grueling. You have to be willing to experience pain and visit the unknown to get to the next level. Here are 3 ways to approach personal growth:

1) Growth is uncomfortable. In order for most plants to reach their potential, they must be pruned. Similarly, we have to be willing to push ourselves even when we don't feel like it to get where we desire to go.

2) Development is a long-term investment. Instant gratification never produces long- lasting results. For example, individual coaching teaches good habits. Habits take 6 weeks to form, but 6 months to last. If you want permanent change, be willing to work with a coach for at least 6 months to reach your goals.

3) Be Driven. Successful people find ways to stay motivated. Outside sources help, but ultimately it's your responsibility. Do you want it bad? Are you willing to sacrifice? Ready to be great? If you answered "yes" to the following questions, it's your time NOW.

Are you ready to start Growing Forward?

Contact Growing Forward NOW at (310) 295-0046 or

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