June 30, 2009

How to Spot a Young Professional

What to look for...
There are countless stereotypes about the Gen Y/Millennial Worker, but let's focus on three qualities that you should look for to recruit and retain the best Young Professionals for your company!

1) Appearance.
Don't dress for the job you have, dress for the job you want.

A rule of thumb is determine what the dress code is, then present yourself a step above. Your appearance is the first impression you give people get when they see you. The next time you meet someone for the first time, observe their eyes as they scan what you are wearing. Their initial read forms a perception of you. It's not a fair assessment, but reality. If you want to leave a good impression, dress to impress!

2) Communication.

Effective communication is becoming a lost art.

This includes interpersonal skills, writing e-mails, face-to-face communication, phone conversations, body language and oral presentation. How you interact with people tells a lot about you. If you are an effective communicator, people remember you. Think about the last great speaker you heard. He/she clarifies concepts and delivers information in a way that the audience understands. Effective communication carries over to the interview process. Anyone can exaggerate on a job application or resume. The real test is how you handle yourself in an interview (especially past behavior-based questions). The only way to improve your communication skills is to practice.

3) Performance.
Performing is about getting results.

High achievers separate themselves from the rest because of their productivity. Performance is an objective measurement. Performance also includes the ability to adapt to change and learning from your mistakes. Plan A rarely goes as planned, so learn to be resilient and flexible when it comes to implementing Plan B. After all the subjective criteria is examined, we look at the numbers...they don't lie.

Excellence is about standing above the crowd. The cream rises to the top and separates itself from the rest. If you don't give people a reason to look, they won't. Be a valuable contributor to society. If you commit to work hard, results will eventually follow. Dress for success, communicate effectively and perform at a high level. If you do those things well, people will notice. In this economy you have to differentiate yourself in order to thrive. Stand up, stand out and choose a better future for yourself NOW!

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