September 29, 2009

Strengthen your CORE

In order to condition your body to become more fit and powerful, you have to start with strengthening your core. It is the foundation of your overall strength and flexibility. Today, let's focus on optimizing our "professional core" by working on our A.B.S.:

A - Alignment: Are your values and beliefs in unison with what you are trying to accomplish? Passion and engagement flow at work when it is an extension of who you are.

B - Brand: What is unique about you? What makes you stand out?
Focus on what differentiates you from the crowd. Start developing those strengths on a daily basis.

S - Strategy: What is your game plan?
Once you've figured out what you believe in and what makes you different, draw up a plan to achieve your goals. Effort and perseverance are the difference between success and failure.

Strengthening your A.B.S. will make you a more valuable asset in the professional world. Take some time today to evaluate where you are and what direction you are headed in. A strong "core" is vital to optimal performance!

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