August 24, 2010

Waiting Sucks

Whether it's traffic, long lines or following a slow foursome in front of me at the golf course, waiting sucks. In business, slow times are discouraging and makes us question what we are doing...  
...suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. [Romans 5:3,4; Bible]
Think about this. When you "suffer" it can build your ability to persevere through tough times. That perseverance strengthens your character. Good character gives you hope for the future.
When I'm struggling, I find it difficult to see outside of my circumstances. When things go slower than I would like, I get frustrated. That frustration makes me feel like there's no hope. 
What if I took a different approach?
What if I looked at my "down time" as an opportunity to grow? 
If I can deal with the slow times, then I become a stronger person. Simply changing my perspective gives me a new sense of hope. 
I'll probably never enjoy waiting, but I can choose to shift my view on it. Sometimes life throws tests at you now to prepare you for greater opportunities in the future.
What are YOU doing while you wait?

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